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Welcome to the Critical Materials Standards Hub

Accelerating best practice to help shape the UK’s future critical material circular economy.

About the Critical Materials Standards Hub

Critical materials are essential for a wide range of technologies and innovations critical to the UK’s future development. With global demand for these rare materials projected to quadruple by 2040, it is essential to start taking steps toward a robust circular economy of these rare elements.

The Critical Materials Standards Hub aims to gain a deeper understanding of the current practices, standards, challenges and opportunities present in the current critical mineral economy. By connecting industry, working groups, academia, R&D and other stakeholders across the supply chain, with opportunities for shared learning and collaboration, the hub aims to drive progress toward laying the groundwork for future standardization activities that will form the foundation of a future circular economy.

Make connections across the supply chain

Access insight and experiences from a cross-sector group of stakeholders from around the UK

Discover standards and best practice

Access a landscape of standards and insight relevant to rare earth elements and circularity

International insight

Learn how other nations around the world are tackling the circularity challenge from expert speakers and insightful research

Who should join?

Those whose work involves the use of critical materials, such as permanent magnets or other rare earth elements. This may include (but is not limited to):

  • Manufacturers of end-user products that include critical materials
  • Those who work in waste, recycling, mineral reclamation or other circular economy initiatives
  • Research & development and academia organizations
  • Upstream stakeholders such as mining and sorting/separation initiatives

Why join?

You’re interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the current state of play within the UK, including learning about how others from the UK and internationally are overcoming challenges and finding opportunities within the critical material economy.

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